Thursday, October 31, 2019

American Business History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

American Business History - Essay Example Professionalism ensued and caused the struggle to narrow down the social divide in terms of equality that was now prevailing against women. The expansion of this trading by reaching new geographical terrains due to the demand of the end products that was coupled by improved transportation links in the world, saw it advancement to the present global form of business corporations. In this recent stage of business evolution in America, women have started coming out of the lime light and are starting to be appreciated again in the business community. During the early times, before the eighteenth century in America, where the household economy was in effect, women and men worked hand in hand. They shared the same energy and responsibility in maintaining their business. This exhibited a high level of equity and equality in the performance of their tasks as they were not biased in terms of gender. However, women were like a sole property to the women once they entered marriage, and therefore had little command of decisions. The advent of industrialization forced women to accustom themselves with domestic ideals. Their importance became insignificant and thus, resistance became inevitable and many women who could not embrace this idea had a rough time in trying to adjust. In an exemplary situation in Illinois, it is noted that not all white women agreed to the domestic status that was being imposed on them due to the encroachment and establishment of separate spheres. Researchers have since established that quite a number of women who had established themselves in Illinois ignored the idea of civilizing the wilderness via domestic work. Many of these settlers had migrated from the rural South, where they had not seen themselves entangled in the wider economic 'metamorphosis' that provided the grounds for division of labor and the formation of divided spheres. (Wilson, Douglas, 1998) Importance of the Early American Woman in Business Women were very important to the business of the early America. Albeit their major role which was domestic, the early American women were serious business people let alone investors. It is noted for example in Boston that, about five of the eight major seed retailers where women during the early 1770s. married women of the time were describe as "deputy husbands" because they were left with the responsibility of taking care of their husbands' enterprises while they were away which was often some long time. The example Elizabeth Meredith of Philadelphia and her hard work in the financial sector of America reveals the enormous importance that was accorded to women that led to the growth of the present America. She was the wife to Jonathan Meredith, a tanner too by profession. Meredith controlled the tannery company's account books, negotiated for money for the company's running, collected debts, and contracted with workers, suppliers, and customers. (Branson, 1996) The early American women even if not married or widowed were very industrious in the financial field and many of them could be found in the heal care field, authors, tailors, cobblers, brewers among a multitude of other professions. This was because no legalities were imposed on them to restrict them to domestic work. However, certain aspects of their existence with respect to the ideology of the divided sphere caused a reduction in domestic routines to a new form of leisure and hence sought to diminish the economic and

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Learning styles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Learning styles - Essay Example †¢ Visual-spatial-usually reflects in by means of physical space, they are responsive to their environments. They draw complete puzzles, study maps, and daydream. They can be educated through drawings, oral and physical imagery. Tools used include graphics, television, models, photographs, video conferencing video, drawings, multimedia 3-D modeling, etc.†¢ Visual-spatial-usually reflects in by means of physical space, they are responsive to their environments. They draw complete puzzles, study maps, and daydream. They can be educated through drawings, oral and physical imagery. Tools used include graphics, television, models, photographs, video conferencing video, drawings, multimedia 3-D modeling, etc.†¢ Bodily-kinesthetic-utilize body effectively, like a surgeon or a dancer.   Awareness of the body .they like touching, movement, and making things. They communicate through body language, and they learn using physical activity, acting out hands-on learning and role-p laying. Tools used are real objects and equipment.†¢ Musical-sensitive to sound and rhythm. They like music and are sensitive to all sounds in their surroundings. They study well with music in the surroundings. They learn by turning classes into lyrics, tapping out time and talking rhythmically. Tools used include music, stereo, multimedia, musical instruments and CD-ROM.†¢ Interpersonal-interacting and understanding other people. Learning takes place through interaction; students have several friends and compassion for others. They learn through dialogues, group activities, and seminars. Tools used include video conferencing, audio conferencing, writing, E-mail, the telephone computer conferencing and attention from the tutor.†¢ Intrapersonal-involves considering one’s own goals and interest. These students regress from others, they are in harmony with their feelings.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Hoofdonderwerp: drugs in de sport

Hoofdonderwerp: drugs in de sport Inleiding We hebben voor het onderwerp drugsgebruik (in de sport) gekozen, omdat we meer willen weten over de effecten van drugs op het menselijk lichaam en wat voor schade dit een mens aan kan richten. Sporten spreekt ons beiden heel erg aan, vandaar dat we voor de combinatie drugsgebruik in de sport hebben gekozen. In de sport hoor je steeds meer over het gebruik van een drugs om de prestaties te verbeteren, zoals bijvoorbeeld EPO in het wielrennen. Wij willen gaan uitzoeken waardoor de drugs de prestaties van een mens kan verbeteren, maar vooral ook waarom sommige drugs schadelijk kunnen zijn voor de gezondheid. Het is ook een zeer actueel onderwerp, kijk maar naar bijvoorbeeld de verdediger van Sevilla, Puerta , die door gebruik van EPO plots in mekaar zakte op het voetbalveld, zonder enig contact met een tegenstander. Er kon ook meteen geconstateerd worden dat het om de drugs EPO ging. Door dit soort nieuws heeft het ons aangetrokken wat de drugs met een lichaam kan doen en dit willen wij dus gaan uitzoeken. Algemene informatie over drugs (doping) in sport Waarom gebruiken sporters doping? Het is voor een normaal mens erg belangrijk om een uitstekende conditie te hebben en dus voor topsporters helemaal. Zij moet keer op keer een topprestatie kunnen leveren. Dit doen sporters meestal door een evenwichtige balans van rust, voeding en beweging. Als sporters dan doping toevoegen aan bijvoorbeeld hun voeding, dan heeft dit meestal een gunstig effect op hun prestaties. Maar hoe werkt die doping nou eigenlijk? Sportprestaties, die voor een groot deel zijn terug te voeren tot spierprestaties, vereisen een in optimaal verkerend spierstelsel dat ze op de juiste manier moet worden onderhouden. Hierbij heeft een scheikundig proces een grote invloed. De voeding die de spieren uit het bloed haalt bestaat voornamelijk uit suikers, met name druivensuiker. Deze suikers worden in de spieren verbrand tot melkzuur. Deze stof wordt beschouwd als een soort vermoeidheidsstof die via de bloedbaan overal in het lichaam komt, en dus ook in de hersenen. Dit vermoeidheidsverschijnsel dient niet a lleen om het wegspoelen van stofwisselingsproducten te bevorderen maar ook om rust te geven aan de lichaamscellen. Een sporter komt dan op het dode punt en raakt volledig uitgeput en dreigt in elkaar te zakken. Er zijn echter ervaren topsporters die weten dat ze dit dode punt kunnen overwinnen. Dit doen ze door hun reserve-energie vrij te maken. Maar ook al kunnen sporters dit, er blijft altijd een moment wanneer de hersenen een einde maken aan onze inspanningen, dit doen de hersenen om het lichaam te behoeden tegen overbelasting. Dit is het moment waarop de doping sporters kan helpen. De meeste doping schakelt namelijk het alarmsysteem van de hersenen uit waardoor sporters langer door kunnen gaan. Als het alarmsysteem uitgeschakeld is wordt het lichaam enorm op de proef gesteld zonder dat je het voelt, want je voelt bijvoorbeeld geen pijn, duizeligheid en vermoeidheid. Ook de levensnoodzakelijke lichaamsreserves worden nu zonder waarschuwing opgebruikt, dit leid vaak tot vergiftigi ngsverschijnselen. De meeste dopinggevallen komen voor in het wielrennen en beroepsvoetbal. Het gebruik van doping werd ontdekt doordat wielrenners of voetballers opeens morsdood neervielen, zonder enige doodsoorzaak. Dit kwam doordat de eerste doping nog niet echt goed was waardoor de sporters dus hun volledige reserves verbrandde. Doping kan ook heel negatieve psychische effecten hebben, zoals verslaving en depressie. Dit gebeurd doordat een sporter beseft dat hij zonder doping niet goed genoeg is. Wat zijn de meest voor komende drugs in sport? Je hebt verschillende soorten drugs die voor verschillende dingen kunnen dienen, sommige drugs benvloeden je gevoelens, bijvoorbeeld marihuana. Andere dienen voor betere prestaties, deze drugs worden veel in de sport gebruikt, dit is echter strafbaar en het kan slecht aflopen, met bijvoorbeeld hartaanvallen. Hieronder staan drugs die veel gebruikt worden in de sport, vanwege verbeterende prestaties van de sporter die de drugs gebruikt of heeft gebruikt. -EPO (erytropoà «tine) -Anabolica -Cocane -(ARA)NESP -HemAssist, -Oxyglobine -RSR-13 -Gentherapie -Amfetamine EPO (erytropoà «tine) Een van de belangrijkste functies van bloed is het transporteren van zuurstof door het lichaam. De rode bloedcellen in ons lichaam binden de zuurstof die tijdens de ademhaling wordt opgenomen. Het gedeelte dat het zuurstof bind heet hemoglobine. Hemoglobine is een roodgekleurd eiwit. EPO staat voor etytropoà «tine, het bestaat uit een eiwitgedeelte en een koolhydraatgedeelte. EPO is een hormoon dat als functie het controleren en stimuleren van de productie van rode bloedcellen in het beenmerg heeft. In het beenmerg zijn EPO cellen de voorstadia van rode bloedcellen. Het heeft twee belangrijke functies voor deze cellen: het bevorderen van een snellere productie en het handhaven van de levensvatbaarheid. Als er een tekort aan zuurstof in de weefsels is zorgt EPO ervoor dat er nieuwe, jonge rode bloedcellen gevormd worden. EPO reguleert dus de vorming van rode bloedcellen in het beenmerg. Sporters gebruiken deze doping om een betere prestatie te kunnen leveren. Dankzij EPO kunnen ze me er zuurstof in hun bloed opnemen en dus langer presteren (ze verzuren minder snel) EPO wordt door het menselijk lichaam zelf aangemaakt, maar het kan tegenwoordig ook in laboratoria gefabriceerd worden. Het is alleen werkzaam als het ingespoten wordt. Als je EPO zou inslikken door middel van een pil dan wordt het gewoon verteerd. Dan komt het dus niet in het bloed en is het dus ook niet werkzaam. Het effect van ingespoten EPO kan ongeveer drie maanden duren. EPO heeft ook nadelen. Het risico van het toedienen van EPO is dat het bloed te stroperig en dik kan worden. Hierdoor loopt de sporter een verhoogd risico op een hartaanval, een beroerte of trombose. Dit is waarschijnlijk ook de doodsoorzaak van de in het voorwoord genoemde Puerta. EPO wordt vooral gebruikt in de duurstort. Dus vooral in het wielrennen, zwemmen en in de loopsport. Het veroorzaakt zoals gezegd vooral een verbetering van het uithoudingsvermogen, en niet van de spierkracht. Bekende EPO-zondaars zijn Richard Virenqu e en David Millar, dit zijn bij de profwielrenners. Er zijn ook natuurlijke manieren om het effect van EPO te kunnen evenaren, bovendien hoeven hier ook geen injecties voor worden te gebruikt. Een van de manieren om het op een natuurlijke manier maken is trainen op grote hoogte. Door de lagere hoeveelheid zuurstof in de lucht, stimuleert het lichaam de aanmaak van extra rode bloedcellen. Dit gebeurt echter niet zoveel als EPO dat doet, het bloed wordt ook niet dikker. Een voordeel van deze methode is dat ook de longen en het hart sterker worden, dit komt door het trainen op hoogte. Ze moeten dan harder werken en worden dus krachtiger. Anabolica Anabolen zijn een drugs die ervoor zorgt dat je spieren meer eiwitten aanmaken, waardoor de spieren sterker worden en in omvang toenemen, omdat ze veel sneller groeien. Deze drug wordt gebruikt door sporters die hun spierkracht en explosiviteit willen vergroten. Daarom zal deze drug veel worden gebruikt in een sport waarbij veel spierkracht vereist is, zoals bijvoorbeeld bodybuilding, rugby en boksen. Gebruikers van anabolen, gebruiken ook diuretica (plaspillen), hierdoor verliezen ze gewicht. De reden dat dit door bijvoorbeeld boksers gebruikt wordt, is omdat ze dan in een lagere gewichtsklasse kunnen boksen. Bij sporters die anabolen gebruiken, moet je niet alleen aan de vechtsport denken, maar het wordt ook veel in de atletiek gebruikt, bij bijvoorbeeld sprinters of verspringers. Hun kunnen de explosieve kracht vooral gebruiken voor de korte afstanden. Het middel nandrolon (anabolica) zorgt ervoor dat je na een zware inspanning heel snel hersteld. Jaap Stam, Edgar Davids en Frank de boer zijn betrapt op gebruik van dit middel. Nandrolon komt ook vaak voor in voedingssupplementen, ze hadden als reden gebruikt dat het middel bij hun was aangetroffen, omdat ze vervuilde voedingssupplementen hadden geslikt. Er zijn dus bepaalde voordelen van anabolen, zoals een veel grotere kracht, wat zal leiden tot grotere spierkracht, grotere spiermassa. Maar de voordelen kunnen lang niet opwegen tegen de nadelen. Er zijn ontzettend veel bijwerkingen door het gebruik van anabolen. Anabolen veroorzaken vierhonderd keer meer bijwerkingen dan alle medicijnen bij elkaar (titel van een artikel) Een paar van de bijwerkingen zijn: *haaruitval *vaak en langdurige hoofdpijn *verslechtering van de ademhaling *borstontwikkeling (bij mannen) *optreden van levertumoren *door een vergroting van de spiermassa, wordt het risico van spierbeschadiging aanzienlijk groter *lagere stem *grote kans op nierziektes (nierstenen) *last van de blaas, vaker naar toilet *geen volledige botontwikkeling (bij onvolgroeide botten) *vergrote kans op hartaandoeningen *bijwerkingen m.b.t genitalià «n *veel last van acne *psychische bijwerkingen zoals, agressie, depressie en slaapstoornissen ( meest voorkomende bijwerkingen) Er zijn nog wel wat bijwerkingen, maar dit zijn de meest opvallende. Je ziet dus dat de voordelen lang niet zo groot zijn als de nadelen van het gebruik van anabolen. Je zou denken dat als je zo de nadelen op een rijtje zet amper gebruik wordt gemaakt van deze drug. Dit is niet juist uit de onderstaande figuur kun je afleiden dat er wel degelijk wat gebruik gemaakt wordt van anabolen. Anabolengebruik per leeftijd Ook kun je afleiden dat er vanaf het 16e levensjaar het gebruik redelijk begint toe te nemen. Maar de leeftijdsgroep tussen de 18 en 26 maken verreweg het meeste gebruik van anabolen. Na deze leeftijden neemt het gebruik flink af. Cocane De meeste mensen kennen cocane alleen als een recreatief middel maar het wordt echter ook gebruikt in de sportwereld. De meest voorkomende effecten van cocane zijn: een sterk opwekkend effect, het vergeten van je zorgen, je krijgt een energieboost, en je bent bijna gevoelloos (dus je voelt bijna geen pijn) Dus als sporters een grote prestatie moeten leveren kan het helpen om cocane te gebruiken. (ARA)NESP, HemAssist, Oxyglobine en RSR-13 Deze drugs worden genoemd als de opvolgers van doping en hebben ongeveer dezelfde werking. Het zuurstoftransport wordt door EPO verbetert en ook door bovengenoemde drugs, dat hebben ze met elkaar gemeen. Een nieuwe methode is het toedienen van bloeddoping, hierbij wordt bloed, rode bloedcellen of verwante bloedproducten bij de sporter genjecteerd. Gentherapie Sporters zouden ook gentherapie kunnen gebruiken om hun lichaam te herconstrueren voor prestatieverbetering. In de tabel hieronder staan enkele genen die de sportprestaties zouden kunnen verbeteren. Amfetamine (speed) Amfetamine is een synthetische drug, het is beter bekend als speed. Amfetamine is zeer verslavend, vooral omdat mensen lusteloos worden als ze het niet gebruiken. Het werkt stimulerend en zorgt dat je slapeloos wordt. De lust tot eten of drinken word minder, daardoor werd het vroeger nog gebruikt als vermageringsmiddel maar tegenwoordig is het verboden. Amfetaminegebruik kan leiden tot ernstige lichamelijk problemen zoals hart en leverfalen. Het heeft ook psychische bijeffecten, je kunt er paranode van worden. Amfetamine is een zogenaamd sympathicomimeticum; het bootst de werking van het sympathische zenuwstelsel na. In het sympathische zenuwstelsel werken belangrijke neurotransmitters als noradrenaline en adrenaline. Amfetamine zorgt ervoor dat deze stoffen extra veel vrijkomen. De activering van het sympathische zenuwstelsel vindt normaalgesproken plaats bij gevaar of spanning. Het lichaam moet dan snel kunnen reageren, de stofwisseling is dan even minder belangrijk en het hongergevoel verdwijnt. Als je amfetamine gebruikt, krijg je dus veel energie, ga je veel praten en kun je last hebben van onwillekeurige bewegingen van het lichaam. Men zweet ook meer en kan hoofdpijn krijgen. Het wordt dus als doping gebruikt omdat je er meer energie van krijgt. Waar komt het woord doping vandaan? Het woord doping is afkomstig uit Engeland. In Zuid-Oost Afrika werd een sterke drank gebruikt als een stimulerend middel, deze drank heette dop. In 1889 komt het echte woord doping voor het eerst voor in een Engels woordenboek. Methodes toediening doping Doping kan op verschillende manier worden toegediend. Wij laten hier een aantal methodes zien hoe men de doping in het lichaam krijgt. Bloeddoping Als een sporter bloeddoping wil gebruiken dan laat hij zes tot twaalf weten voor de wedstrijd bloed aftappen. Het gevolg hiervan is dat ze gaan trainen met een kleiner bloedvolume. Op de dag van de wedstrijd laten de sporters hun eerder afgetapte bloed weer inbrengen door middel van een infuus. Dankzij dit nieuwe bloed neemt het bloedvolume à ©n het hemoglobinegehalte in het bloed toe. Hierdoor kunnen de sporters meer zuurstof opnemen en hebben ze dus een groter uithoudingsvermogen. Het is natuurlijk niet zo gek dat bloeddoping vaak bij duurlopers wordt aangetroffen. Het is ook mogelijk om donorbloed te gebruiken in plaats van het eigen bloed, het nadeel hiervan is echter dat er een risico is op virusinfecties, allergische reacties en afstoot reacties. De algemene bijwerkingen van bloeddoping zijn: bloedstolsels, koorts en koude rillingen. Farmacologische, chemische en fysieke manipulatie Farmacologische, chemische en fysieke manipulatie dienen ervoor om de betrouwbaarheid van de tijdens de dopingcontrole afgenomen urine te benvloeden. Een voorbeeld hiervan is het afgeven van oude of andermans urine, of het toevoegen van stoffen aan de afgegeven urine. Ook het gebruik van epitestosteron, dat het gebruik van testosteron verhult en diuretica vallen onder deze groep. Het IOC stelt manipulatie van een dopingcontrole gelijk aan het gebruik van doping. Waarom is doping slecht? * Doping is oneerlijk. Bij een echte wedstrijd gaat het erom wie de beste, sterkste of snelste is. Als er dan doping wordt gebruikt door een paar sporters, dan worden de niet-dopinggebruikers de dupe. Er is dan geen gelijke kans meer. * Doping kan gevaarlijk zijn. Dat zien we doordat sommige dopinggebruikers een wedstrijd niet overleven. Het lichaam wordt door de doping zo erg uitgeput en vergiftigd dat dit tot gevaar kan leiden. * Doping kan ook andere sporters in gevaar brengen. Als er bijvoorbeeld een wielerrenner ten val komt door zijn dopinggebruik, kunnen heel veel andere renners ten val komen als ze over de desbetreffende renner heen vallen Controles Sporters en doping, het lijkt nooit op de houden. De sporters en organisaties/sponsors hebben er natuurlijk dagelijks mee te maken. En de jacht naar dopinggebruikers is heviger dan ooit. Wat spookt de sporter uit, ook als hij alleen maar traint. En wat doet de sporter dan? De sporters zelf huiveren, waar blijft hun privacy? Zijn ze bij voorbaat al verdacht? Maar de dopingjagers kennen geen genade. Ze verzinnen telkens nieuwe listen. In de topsport willen dopingcontroleurs altijd weten waar een atleet zich bevind, zo kunnen ze hem onverwachts controleren. Dat is nodig, omdat doping vaak tijdens trainingsperioden wordt gebruikt om conditie en kracht op te bouwen. De dopingcontroleurs hebben als doel dat de topsport dopingvrij wordt en dat er gelijke regels komen voor sporters in alle landen. Veel sporters vinden de strenge meldregels maar niets en vinden de controles een inbreuk in hun privacy. Dat er ook veel gecontroleerd wordt in voetbal en hockey vinden de beoefenaars maar raar. Zij vinden dat het meer moeite kost dan dat het oplevert. Er is wel een plan dat sporters zelf mogen bepalen welk uur van de dag ze beschikbaar zijn voor controles. De controleurs vinden dit een redelijk compromis, waar de sporters goed mee zouden kunnen leven. Als een sporter dit ook niet wil heeft hij een probleem. Bescherming van privacy is belangrijk, maar het gaat ook om de schone sport. Als je naar dopingcontroles kijkt is er wat betreft het aantal dopingcontroles doorgaans een groot verschil tussen dopinggevoelige en andere sporten. Dit blijkt uit een ronde langs dertig topsporters. Schaatsen en wielrennen steken er in Nederland met kop en schouders bovenuit als het gaat om de meeste controles. Bij de meest dopinggevoelige sporten spelen zaken als uithoudingsvermogen en kracht vaak een doorslaggevende rol. Prestatiebevorderende middelen hebben, zo blijkt uit onderzoek, hebben daar meer effect dan in de zogenoemde spelsporten of behendigheidssporten waar zaken als inzicht en techniek geregeld doorslaggevend zijn. Het blijkt dat wielrenners gemiddeld twintig keer per seizoen gecontroleerd worden, dit gebeurd dan meestal rond wedstrijden. Ook als een topsporter bijvoorbeeld wereldkampioen is kan hij veel meer controles verwachten. Een goed voorbeeld van een sporter die vorig seizoen enorm veel gewonnen heeft is de schaatser Sven Kramer. Hij zegt dat hij vorig seizoen zo ongeveer vijfentwintig keer gecontroleerd is! Behalve voor wielrennen en schaatsen gelden ook atletiek en zwemmen als dopinggevoelige sporten. Zij zijn na de wielrenners en schaatsers de sporters die het meest gecontroleerd worden. Ook in deze sporten geldt dat hoe dichter een atleet de wereldtop nadert, hoe vaker de controleur langskomt. Na deze sporten volgt het voetbal als meest geteste sport, maar hier verschilt het aantal tests per individuele sporter. Ajacied George Ogararu zegt dit jaar twee keer gecontroleerd te zijn, terwijl Klaas-Jan Huntelaar in zijn hele loopbaan slechts vier keer een plas heeft moeten inleveren. De controleurs * De Nederlandse Dopingautoriteit, in Capelle aan de IJssel, voerde vorig jaar 2.825 controles uit. De kosten daarvan bedroegen meer dan 780 duizend euro. * De Dopingautoriteit controleert een groep sporters van 59 bonden, waarbij het niveau (nationale top) het criterium is: van biljart tot voetbal. * Sporters die een Nederlandse controleur treffen, hebben altijd iemand tegenover zich die in dienst is van de Dopingautoriteit. Maar de opdrachtgever is niet altijd hetzelfde. Verreweg de meeste controles (2.211 in het jaar 2006) hebben plaats in het kader van het nationale antidopingprogramma, gefinancierd door de sportkoepel NOC*NSF. * Daarnaast krijgt de Dopingautoriteit ook van (internationale) sportfederaties opdrachten. In het jaar 2006 gebeurde dat in totaal 614 keer. De Dopingautoriteit voerde in 2006 uitsluitend urinecontroles uit. Dat gebeurde in 33 procent van de gevallen rondom trainingen of bij sporters thuis. Tegen 52 sporters (41 mannen en 11 vrouwen) werd een zaak aanhangig gemaakt wegens overtreding van de reglementen. De krachtsporten waren daarin het best vertegenwoordigd als het ging om prestatiebevorderende middelen. Vijf rugbyers hadden in hun urine sporen die wezen op het gebruik van cannabis, cocane of amfetamine. In totaal werden twaalf sporters betrapt op het roken van een jointje, drie op het gebruik van cocane. * Soms zijn er in Nederland ook buitenlandse dopingcontroleurs actief. Die werken voor de mobiele brigades van de internationale sportfederaties. * Naast de NOC*NSF (internationale) sportfederaties kunnen ook particuliere organisaties opdracht geven tot controles. Het bekendste voorbeeld daarvan is de organisatie van de Ronde van Frankrijk (Tour de France). In Nederland onderwerpt onder meer de Rabo-wielerploeg zijn renners aan dopingcontroles. Ons onderzoek: Interviewen van bepaalde sportmensen Om verder in te gaan op het gebruik van doping in de sport gaan we een paar verschillende interviews opnemen bij verschillende sporters, zodat we dieper ingaan op het gebruik van drugs in verband met de sport. Ook willen we meer te weten komen over de ervaringen die sporters opdoen in hun sport, gedurende hun loopbaan. Door verschillende type sporters te ondervragen kunnen we de verschillen in het drugsgebruik in een bepaalde tak van de sportwereld onderzoeken. Zo komen we bijvoorbeeld tot de conclusie dat er in het wielrennen meer gebruik gemaakt wordt van drugs dan in de atletiek. De verschillende interviews vergelijken we dan en hieruit kunnen we weer bepaalde dingen afleiden. Interview voor profielwerkstuk Wat is de invloed van doping in sport Beste Jack van Hulten, Wij (Jasper Kerstes en Bob van Asten) moeten voor school een profielwerkstuk maken. Hiervoor moeten we ook onderzoek doen, dit doen we door middel van interviews. Het onderwerp is drugs (doping) in sport. We interviewen U omdat we dit onderwerp willen bekijken vanuit verschillende takken van sport. We vragen U om de vragen zo uitgebreid mogelijk te beantwoorden. 1.Hoelang fluit u al? Ik fluit vanaf sinds augustus 1987 amateurs en betaald voetbal vanaf 1 juli 1992 2.Wat zijn de mooiste momenten uit uw fluitcarrià ¨re? De wedstrijden die ik het mooist vond om te fluiten waren: Ajax PSV (Johan Cruyf schaal 2002) FC Viking Chelsea (Uefa Cup 2002) 3.Wat vind u van dopinggebruik in sport in het algemeen, en in het voetbal? Degene die betrapt worden op dopinggebruik moeten voor hun leven geschorst worden. 4.Weet u ervan dat er soms doping gebruikt wordt in het voetbal? (vooral cocane en EPO, aan EPO is de Spaanse international Antonio Puerta aan overleden) Ik heb dit via de media inderdaad vernomen, ik vind het erg triest maar toch ook eigen schuld dikke bult. 5.Heeft u wel eens meegemaakt of gedacht dat een voetballer dopingmiddelen gebruikt heeft tijdens een wedstrijd? Nee, dit heb ik nog nooit meegemaakt. 6.Weet u wat u moet doen als een speler zijn bewustzijn verliest tijdens een wedstrijd? Ja, ik ben zelf opgeleid als BHV-er met cursus reanimatie. Echter ik zal zeker de wedstrijd meteen stoppen en er spoedig een arts bijhalen, dat zijn immers de specialisten. 7.Snapt u dat veel sporters tegenwoordig snel doping gebruiken? Nee, je gaat in de sport een uitdaging met jezelf aan, dat wil zeggen met je eigen lichaam. Hard werken (trainen) en gezonde voeding zijn de enige juiste bouwstenen, dus ik vind doping gebruik onnodig en niet eerlijk. 8.Kent u de gevolgen die sommige soorten doping kunnen hebben? Ik heb er wel eens een tv-programma over gezien. De gevaren zijn duidelijk aanwezig dus moet dit al meer dan een voldoende waarschuwing zijn om er niet aan te beginnen! 9.Vind u dat voetballers vaker gecontroleerd moeten worden op gebruik van doping? Dit gebeurd namelijk nog niet veel. Ik weet dat dit inderdaad niet veel gebeurd, wat mij part mogen profvoetballers na elke wedstrijd gecontroleerd worden. 10.Vind u dat sommige doping gelegaliseerd moet worden, of moeten alle stimulerende middelen verboden worden? Ik zou het liefst zien dat alle doping verboden wordt. Er moet ervoor gezorgd worden dat topsport puur natuurlijk blijft. 11.EPO is een middel dat ervoor zorgt dat bloed meer zuurstof kan opnemen, en is in kleine doseringen niet gevaarlijk. Vind u dat iemand met een slechte conditie EPO zou mogen gebruiken? Nee, in geval van een slechte conditie moet je of harder trainen of anders niet deelnemen in competitieverband. Interview voor profielwerkstuk Wat is de invloed van doping in sport Jef van vliet, begeleider internationale scheidsrechters. Hoelang fluit u gefloten?. Ik heb gefloten van 1969 tot 1997, waarvan de laatste 15 jaar in het betaalde voetbal. Wat doet u nu precies in de voetbal wereld? Op dit moment ben ik docent opleidingen scheidsrechters, ik beoordeel de scheidsrechters in het betaalde voetbal en daarnaast begeleid ik de scheidsrechters bij internationale wedstrijden in Nederland. Wat zijn de mooiste momenten uit uw fluitcarrià ¨re? De 4 jaar welke ik als internationaal scheidsrechter heb gefungeerd en daarnaast o.a. de bekerfinale Ajax-Heerenveen in 1996. Wat vind u van dopinggebruik in sport in het algemeen, en in het voetbal? Doping hoort niet in de sport thuis. Weet u ervan dat er soms doping gebruikt wordt in het voetbal? (vooral cocane en EPO, aan EPO is de Spaanse international Antonio Puerta aan overleden) Dat is iets wat je niet hard kunt maken, maar zal zeker wel voorkomen. Heeft u wel eens meegemaakt of gedacht dat een voetballer dopingmiddelen gebruikt heeft tijdens een wedstrijd? Niet zelf meegemaakt, maar dat wil natuurlijk niet zeggen dat het niet gebeurd. Weet u wat u moet doen als een speler zijn bewustzijn verliest tijdens een wedstrijd? Ja dat weet ik, daar zijn standaard afspraken over. Snapt u dat veel sporters tegenwoordig snel doping gebruiken? Ik snap dit niet, sport hoort zuiver te zijn, dus zonder doping. Kent u de gevolgen die sommige soorten doping kunnen hebben? Jazeker, kijk maar naar Maradonna, wat is er over van de sportman? Vind u dat voetballers vaker gecontroleerd moeten worden op gebruik van doping? Dit gebeurd namelijk nog niet veel. In het Nederlandse betaalde voetbal word er wekelijks gecontroleerd, en zeker bij internationale wedstrijden. Vind u dat sommige doping gelegaliseerd moet worden, of moeten alle stimulerende middelen verboden worden? Binnen elke sport dan ook moeten stimulerende middelen verboden worden. Sport hoort clean te zijn, anders is het natuurlijk niet eerlijk. EPO is een middel dat ervoor zorgt dat bloed meer zuurstof kan opnemen, en is in kleine doseringen niet gevaarlijk. Vind u dat iemand met een slechte conditie EPO zou mogen gebruiken? Nee, dan moet een sporter maar gewoon niet meedoen of meer trainen want sport hoort clean te zijn zoals ik bij de vorige vraag al zei. Interview voor profielwerkstuk Wat is de invloed van doping in sport Interview met Michel Stolker, een oud-profwielrenner. Wij (Jasper Kerstes en Bob van Asten) moeten voor school een profielwerkstuk maken. Hiervoor moeten we ook onderzoek doen, dit doen we door middel van interviews. Het onderwerp is drugs (doping) in sport. We interviewen U omdat we dit onderwerp willen bekijken vanuit verschillende takken van sport. We vragen U om de vragen zo uitgebreid mogelijk te beantwoorden. Wat zijn uw grootste sportprestaties? 7e In de ronde van Spanje (22 dagen) Winnaar van de Midi Libre (meerdaagse wielerwedstrijd in Zuid-Frankrijk) in 1962. Hier reed ik dankzij een enorm goede vorm het peloton op 20 minuten en werd ik niet teruggepakt en reed vele tegenstanders eraf Etappes in de Ronde van Italià « en in de Ronde van Spanje. Drie deelnames aan de Tour de France (1956, 1957 en 1962) Ik was vooral knecht in de meeste ploegen (dit betekent dat hij vooral voor de toppers is zijn ploeg moest rijden) Dit deed ik vooral voor Jacques Anquetil, wat die man kan was echt onvoorstelbaar! Topsport is ontzettend zwaar, als je goed wilt rijden moet je enorm veel trainen, hierdoor verminder het sociale contact heel erg. Heeft u veel overwinningen geboekt in uw carrià ¨re als profwielrenner? Ik heb in de Ronde van Lombardije het bergklassement gewonnen, de Midi Libre en vele andere koersen. In totaal heb ik 25 koersen gewonnen, waarvan 20 zonder doping gebruik en 5 met. Hoeveel jaar heeft u als profwielrenner gereden en voor welke ploegen? Ik heb 11 jaar als prof gefietst in de volgende ploegen:  · 1956 Locomotief-Vredestein  · 1957 Locomotief-Vredestein  · 1958 Magneet-Vredestein  · 1959 Magneet-Vredestein  · 1960 Helyett-Fynsec-Leroux  · 1961 Helyett-Fynsec-Hutchinson  · 1962 Saint-Raphael-Helyett  · 1963 Saint-Raphael-Gitane  · 1964 KAS-Kaskol  · 1965 Fyffes  · 1966 Willem II-Gazelle Wat vindt u van de vele dopingschandalen in de tour van de laatste jaren? Het is een grof schandaal hoe het nu gaat in de wielerwereld, ik zal een voorbeeld geven. Toen Jan Ullrich uitging in een discotheek waar wel 2000 mensen waren, werd hij gepakt op verdenking van drugs/doping gebruik. Dus alleen Ullrich terwijl ruim de helft van de aanwezige doping gebruikte, dit vind ik echt niet kunnen. Ik wil overigens wel zeggen dat de Tour de France goed te rijden is zonder doping. Het is eigenlijk ook triest als je naar de medische wereld kijkt, tegenwoordig schrijven doctoren enorm veel middelen uit, je krijgt overal wat voor. Maar wielrenners mogen eigenlijk niets hebben. Wat ik ook bijna zeker weet is dat Lance Armstrong doping heeft gebruikt, hij werd in 1993 wereldkampioen en kreeg in 1996 teelbalkanker. Hoe kan iemand die zo jong is nou teelbalkanker krijgen? Ik denk dat het komt omdat hij grote hoeveelheden doping kreeg. Er zijn zoveel dingen waardoor je beter gaat rijden, ik noem anabolen en hormoonpreparaten. Doping is heel verleidelijk, vaak is de pakkans klein (vooral vroeger) dus dan gebruikte je doping. Vooral het vele geld heeft de sport naar de klote geholpen. Wat vindt u van dopinggebruik in het algemeen? Als je naar sporters in het algemeen kijkt, vooral in het voetbal, zijn ze enorm gespierd en erg groot. Ik denk niet dat dit alleen komt door training, ze moeten wel wat gebruiken, waarschijnlijk zijn het anabolen. Het grote geld dat er tegenwoordig in de topsport rondgaat doet rare dingen met mensen. Ik zal hier ook een voorbeeld van geven. Jaren geleden werden er een heleboel sporters aangesproken. Zij kregen een vraag voorgeschoteld gekregen: Ik kan van jou een olympisch kampioen maken, maar dan moet je wel enorm veel pillen waar je binnen 5 jaar van dood kunt gaan, zou je het doen? Deze vraag werd door 72% beantwoord met ja! Dit zegt toch wel iets over hoe graag mensen willen winnen en waarom ze naar doping grijpen. Het is geen goede zaak maar veel sporters kijken vooral naar de voordelen. Gebruikte u veel stimulerende middelen (geen doping) maar drankjes, suikers en dergelijke in uw carrià ¨re? Ja, dit moet wel want dat is essentieel. Ik at tijdens mijn wielercarrià ¨re veel rijstevla, glucosetabletten, bananen en heel veel suiker. Je moet wel veel eten anders red je het niet en kun je niet meer verder, je kunt namelijk de hongerklop krijgen. Dan wordt alles zwart en ben je niet meer in staat om fatsoenlijk te rijden. Wat heeft u allemaal meegemaakt met doping tijdens uw prof wielercarrià ¨re? Wij kregen veel spullen aangeboden maar er werd zelden of nooit gecontroleerd. Ik heb in mijn carrià ¨re niet meegemaakt dat renners bewusteloos raakte of overleden door doping. Heeft u er wel eens aan gedacht zelf doping te gebruiken en zo ja waarom en wat voor soort doping? Ja, ik wilde beter presteren daarom heb ik doping gebruikt. Iedere profsporter wil zo goed mogelijk presteren, dit ten koste van bijna alles. Je leeft echt als het ware voor je sport, de rest komt pas op de tweede plaats. Ik heb niets over mijn dopinggebruik te verbergen, ik vind het juist goed dat ik het eerlijk toegeef. De mensen w

Friday, October 25, 2019

rights of a woman Essay -- essays research papers

In her article â€Å"Women’s History† Joan Scott states that it is important for historians to be attentive to both â€Å"the ways in which politics constructs gender and gender constructs politics†. First, definitions for politics and gender will be established in order to analyze Scott’s claim. Second, what Scott meant by the claim â€Å"politics constructs gender† will be illustrated. Third, the contradictory claim â€Å"gender constructs politics† by Joan Scott will be explained. Finally, this paper will evaluate why it is important for historians to be attentive to both the notion that politics constructs gender and gender constructs politics. The usefulness of Scott’s claim on our understanding of both politics and gender will also be examined. The point that Scott was trying to get across in stating that historians should be attentive to the circular claim that â€Å"politics constructs gender and gender constructs politicsâ⠂¬  is that an incomplete history will be recorded if both sides of the equation are not considered hand in hand. To portray why Joan Scott believes it is important for historians to be cognizant of both gender’s effect on politics and politics effect on gender we must first establish what Joan Scott’s definitions of gender and politics are. Gender has many definitions that have been developed through the numerous approaches to history and the many other social sciences. The basic debate in defining gender is at what point is the distinction made between the natural (sex) and the cultural (gender). Gayle Rubin’s definition in â€Å"The Traffic in Women: Notes on the ‘Political Economy’ of Sex† is that â€Å"sex† is the raw material on which culture uses to produce â€Å"gender† and that gender is the cultural expectations of the differences between men and women. The important aspect of the definition of gender is that it is culturally defined and does not remain static over time. As society adjusts, so do its definitions of gender. Politics is the other key word in Scott’s statement that must be defined. Politics, according to Scott in â€Å"Women’s History†, is not just formal government but all relationships involving unequal distributions of power. Scott uses this broad definition of politics in order to explain the â€Å"cultural determination of the terms of sexual difference†. In other words this definition allows for a more complete explanation of what has shaped society’s e... ...he role of historians should be to record history and its significance. The third reason historians should look at the relationship between politics and gender is that if historians only look at the way formal politics shapes gender then a black and white picture of gender is portrayed. If a broad definition of politics is used, such as the one used by Joan Scott, then â€Å"arguments about the separate and distinctive qualities of women’s character and experience† can be avoided. As a result a clearer picture of history will be drawn that does not rely on â€Å"fixed distinctions† that have been made between the genders over time and in the present. Finally, by paying attention to the idea that gender and politics have an effect on one another we can get a clearer picture of where women’s history fits into the history books. In conclusion, Scott’s claim that historians should be attentive to both the ways in which gender constructs politics and politics constructs gender is a thought provoking comment that must be considered if an accurate and unbiased history is to be produced. Politics and gender are both socially construed notions and by definition will have an influence on one another.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Foundations of Human Services Worksheet Essay

1. Identify the four themes of human services. The four major themes of human services according to the chapter are one problem in living human beings not being able to meet their own needs all the time. Second the growth number of problems in modern world helps with people not able to get help from family or the community. Third self-sufficiency giving people the tools needed to provide for themselves. And last, social care is assisting clients in meeting their social needs, with the focus on those who cannot care for themselves, social control in who receives services and under what conditions they receive them and rehabilitation is the task of returning an individual to a prior level of functioning. 2. Identify professional disciplines that influence human services. Sociology examines ways in which human societies influence the people who live in them. Sociology helps the human service field by trying to understand the differences within human culture. Also to understand the surroundings of life affect their living, like family structure, roles within the family, gender, race, and poverty. Psychology is the study of the mind and behavior. It embraces the affects of human functions of the brain from childhood to old age. And for Anthropology is the study of culture, physical, and society. 3. How have societal viewpoints concerning mental illness or health influenced human services over the past three centuries? The societal view point in the beginning was people who were mentally ill were treated as if they were physically ill. In hospitals and they lived in atrocious conditions and were treated with brutality and cruelty; customary treatment methods was bleeding, restraint, and cold showers. Then occupational therapy, amusements, and exercise were introduced. Over the years the bad treatment in hospitals was closed and some stopped and centers was open in patient out patient, and groups homes now help with the treatment of mental illness. It is not treated as one illness for everyone but as an illness for just that person. 4. How have societal viewpoints concerning child welfare influenced human services over the past three centuries? Societal viewpoints went institutions multiplying, as the public demanded the removal of children from almshouses. Unfortunately, juvenile institutions were not always an improvement, and overcrowded conditions and poor care prompted the establishment of a system that placed children in private homes. To having foster parents and rules of child care in place that must be followed. There are now services in place for children that max out of the system to get help with food, education, and housing. Families can now get child care, the Earned Income Tax Credit, food stamps, and Medicaid to help take care of their children. 5. How have societal viewpoints concerning incarceration and probation influenced human services over the past three centuries? According to the chapter the probation system we have today started back in 1813. Things have been added to it along the way, like meeting with the prisoners before they are set free into the world to see if they have somewhere to go and if they need help with housing, food and employment. Today probation is given by a judge and can be also given after serving time in prison. There are probation officers in place to make sure that they are following the laws, getting help to get off of probation and live in the real world. 6. Explain how political and legislative changes have affected client care. Over the time political and legislation have changed laws. To make things work for the people and the government. Rules and guidelines put in place for human service workers to follow to help clients with their needs. Also with guidelines and rules for clients to have to follow so they can receive government assistance. The rules are still changing today due to the amount of need and the limited funds available. Guidelines are changing who can qualify for help and who don’t. Also the amount of children you can claim. Changes will always change for good and bad as time go on until legislation finds what works for all equally.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Older People With Stroke Health And Social Care Essay

An estimated 150,000 people have a shot in the UK each twelvemonth ( Scots Stroke Care Audit 2005/2006 ) with a mortality of over 67,000 ( British Heart Foundation, 2005 ) . It is the 3rd most common cause of decease in England and Wales, after bosom disease and malignant neoplastic disease ( NHS, 2001 ) .This is in conformity with the study published by World Health Organization stating, â€Å" shot is the 3rd highest cause of morbidity and mortality in the developed states of the universe, instantly following ischaemic bosom disease and malignant diseases ( WHO, 2008 ) .Because shots are common and lead to significant disablement and ill-health, a big proportion of the NHS budget is spent on handling people who have suffered a shot. The direct cost of shot to the NHS is estimated to be ?2.8 billion. The cost to the wider economic system is ?1.8 billion ( NHS, 2001 ) .Thus a needs appraisal of this population group might assist understand the elaboratenesss of this issue. This assignment aims at giving a brief history of the factors act uponing the wellness of people who have suffered shot and farther program and warrant a wellness needs appraisal for the same. It will besides try to supply a critical analysis of a relevant wellness policy and its impact on the affected population.Stroke: Definition and Hazard FactorsThe World Health Organization defines stroke as â€Å" a status caused by the break of the blood supply to the encephalon, normally because a blood vas explosions or is blocked by a coagulum. This cuts off the supply of O and foods, doing harm to the encephalon tissue † . The effects of a shot depends on which portion of the encephalon is injured and how severely it is affected. A really terrible shot can do sudden decease ( WHO, 2008 ) . Assorted physiologic and medical conditions can precipitate shot. The hazard factors can be categorised into biological, environmental, socioeconomic and behavioral. There is frequently an interplay of two or more factors that property to morbidity.Biological:These include age, gender and familial sensitivity. The individual most of import factor that increases the opportunities of shot threefold is the age of the person ( Fisher, 2001 ) .AgePeoples most at hazard for shot are older grownups, peculiarly those with high blood force per unit area, who are sedentary, fleshy, fume, or have diabetes. Incidence rises exponentially with age and bulk of them occur in individuals older than 65 old ages ( Fisher, 2001 ) . Wolfe, Rudd & A ; Beech ( 1996 ) states that the hazard of shot doubles with each consecutive decennary over the age of 55. Older age is besides linked with higher rates of post-stroke dementedness.GenderIn most age groups except older grownups, shot is more common in work fo rces than in adult females. However, it kills more adult females than work forces, irrespective of cultural groups ( Fisher, 2001 ) . This may be partially due to the fact that adult females tend to populate longer than work forces, and shot is more common among older grownups. Women history for approximately 6 in 10 shot deceases ( NHS, 2001 ) .Race and EthnicityIn every bit diverse a population in England and Wales, the minority population, particularly those belonging to the African and South Asian beginning, face a significantly higher hazard for shot and decease from shot than the English ( Wolfe, 1996 ) . They besides have a higher prevalence of fleshiness, diabetes, and high blood pressure than other groups. However, surveies suggest that socioeconomic factors besides affect these differences.Lifestyle FactorsSmoke: A Peoples who smoke a battalion a twenty-four hours have about two and a half times the hazard for shot as nonsmokers. Smoke additions both hemorrhagic and ischae mic shot hazard ( Wolfe, 1996 ) . The hazard for shot may stay elevated for every bit long as 14 old ages after discontinuing, hence an earlier quit is recommended ( NHS, 2001 ) . Diet: Unhealthy diet ( saturated fat, high Na ) can lend to bosom disease, high blood force per unit area, and fleshiness, which are all hazard factors for shot ( Winter, 2001 ) . Physical Inaction: Lack of regular exercising can increase the hazard of fleshiness, diabetes, and hapless circulation, which increase the hazard of shot. Alcohol and Drug Abuse: Alcohol maltreatment, including orgy imbibing, increases the hazard of shot. Drug maltreatment, peculiarly with cocaine or Methedrine, is a major factor of shot in immature grownups. Anabolic steroids, used for body-building and athleticss sweetening, besides increase shot hazard.Heart and Vascular DiseasesHeart disease and shot are closely tied for many grounds. Peoples who have one bosom or vascular status ( high blood force per unit area, high cholesterin, bosom disease, diabetes, peripheral arteria disease ) are at increased hazard for developing other related conditions ( British Heart Foundation, 2005 ) . High Blood Pressure. High blood force per unit area ( high blood pressure ) contributes to about 70 % of all shots. Hypertensive people have up to 10 times the normal hazard of shot, depending on the badness of the blood force per unit area in the presence of other hazard factors. High blood pressure is besides an of import cause of alleged soundless intellectual infarcts, or obstructions, in the blood vass in the encephalon ( mini-strokes ) that may foretell major shot. Controling blood force per unit area is highly of import for stroke bar. A meta-analysis of nine prospective surveies, including 420,000 persons followed for 10 old ages, found that shot hazard increased by 46 % for every 7.5-mm Hg addition in diastolic blood force per unit area ( Fisher,2001 ) . Atrial Fibrillation. Atrial fibrillation, a major hazard factor for shot, is a bosom beat upset in which the atria ( the upper Chamberss in the bosom ) beat really rapidly and nonrhythmically ( British Heart Foundation, 2005 ) . Between 2 – 4 % of patients with atrial fibrillation without any history of TIA or shot will hold an ischaemic shot over the class of the twelvemonth. Of those with atrial fibrillation, the hazard by and large is highest in those older than age 75, with bosom failure or hypertrophied bosom, coronary arteria disease, history of coagulums, diabetes, or bosom valve abnormalcies ( Winter, 2001 ) .DiabetessHeart disease and shot are the prima causes of decease in people with diabetes. Diabetes is 2nd merely to high blood force per unit area as the chief hazard factor for shot. The hazard is highest for grownups freshly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and patients with diabetes who are younger than age 55. African americans with diabetes are at even higher ha zard for shot at a younger age ( Wolfe, 1996 ) . Diabetes is a peculiarly strong hazard factor for ischaemic shot, possibly because of attach toing hazard factors, such as fleshiness and high blood force per unit area.Fleshiness and Metabolic SyndromeFleshiness may increase the hazard for both ischaemic and haemorrhagic shot independently of other hazard factors that frequently co-exist with extra weight, including diabetes, high blood force per unit area, and unhealthy cholesterin degree ( Winter, 2001 ) . Weight that is centered around the venters ( the alleged apple form ) has a peculiarly high association with shot, as it does for bosom disease, in comparing to burden distributed around hips ( pear-shape ) . Stroke being a syndromic unwellness, the wellness demands of those at hazard and station shot subsisters are varied and need due consideration.Health Needs Assessment in Stroke SurvivorsHealth demands appraisal harmonizing to the NHS wellness demands assessment workbook is a systematic reappraisal of the wellness issues confronting a population taking to hold precedences and resource allotment that will better wellness and cut down inequalities. This ensures that any action taken minimises harm to wellness, and may better it for those with the most to derive. In peculiar, shot is a taking cause of grownup disablement ( Raina, 1998 ) . The flight of attention for shot is of sudden oncoming, acute infirmary attention followed by rehabilitation and return to community populating. Of new shot subsisters, an estimated 56 % go straight home after acute attention, 32 % go to inpatient rehabilitation, and 11 % go to long-run attention installations ( NHS, 2001 ) . Stroke subsisters returning to the community frequently have troubles executing every twenty-four hours activities like dressing, eating, and mobility that can last good into the first twelvemonth post-stroke ( Mayo, 2002 ) . It is besides normally associated with cognitive alterations ( e.g. , 26.3 % of ischaemic shot subsisters are diagnosed with dementedness ( Desmond, 2000 ) ) . Caregivers provide indispensable support to these persons when they return place with changing degrees of physical and cognitive trouble. The appraisal of wellness demands, involves a combination of epidemiological appraisal of disease prevalence, the rating of the effectivity of intervention and attention options, and their comparative costs and effectivity, analysis of bing activity and resource informations, and application of this cognition to populations ( Bowling, 2009 ) . Therefore harmonizing to pallant ( 2002 ) it is of import to place the ‘needs ‘ non ‘wants ‘ so as to accomplish mensurable betterment from an intercession. As this involves clip and attempts and consequences in considerable long term benefits for those who undertake it and for the population assessed. Hence it has attracted the involvement of policy shapers, wellness economic expert and wellness professionals to fulfill single and population demands to optimise resource use ( Lari & A ; Gari, 2005 ) . In the present context the purpose of wellness demands appraisal for shot is to take down the incidence of shot, directe d at cut downing smoke, cut downing socio-economic want, take downing blood force per unit area and promoting healthy life styles ( Stevens, et al. , 2004 ) Therefore the wellness demands of shot subsisters during assorted stages of their station stroke recovery period as discovered in the literature are summarized as followsBiological facetBiological pathology of post-stroke is neuromuscular map damage which flexible joint on the lesion country on the encephalon. Undoubtedly, sensory-motor appraisal such as ocular field defects, vesica in dysphasia, centripetal damage and musculus power failing ( Klara, 2006 ) . Besides, motor palsy is still a major job in shot status that presents a failing on the affected side peculiarly upper and lower appendages, due to miss of musculus tone coevals and instability of nervus urge from intellectual cerebral mantle which leads to flabbiness and spasticity ( Fawcus, 2000 ) . Therefore in order to measure station shot direction and attention, usage of a assortment of standardised trials before physical rehabilitation preparation can assist to measure the general and specific demands of the patients. For illustration, the Modified Ashworth Scale ( MAS ) can measure musculus spasticity, the Medical Research Council Motor Power Score ( MRC-MPS ) can mensurate motor power and strength of stray group of musculus and Likert-type graduated tables use to number pain status ( Fasoli et al. 2004 ) . In add-on, the Barthel Index can measure functional accomplishments of activity of day-to-day life ( Shah et al. 1989 ) . These instruments and curative modes can measure the accurate physical status and abilities of the shot subsister and assist execute strategic program for his rehabilitation.Physical facetsAfter the stabilisation of the patients medical status the clinical accent is on fixing the patients to return place. The most of import physical competence to be monitored in the shot subsisters by the wellness professionals at this phase are related to activity of day-to-day life ( ADL accomplishments ) . As Gresham ( 1986 ) suggests â€Å" independency in ADL will go on to be a suited trademark of physical Restoration † . Therefore the facets that need consideration include instruction and preparation of shot subsisters and attention givers to assist them safely execute the activity of day-to-day life and accommodate the preparation received in the infirmary to the place environment. For illustration, in the place environment bathrooms may be smaller, hallways may be narrower, rugs may be hard to pull off, and stepss may be hard to negociate. The sudden passage to the place with an absence of wellness professionals with whom to confer with as needed may besides do health professionals dying. As a consequence, health professionals may necessitate advice from equals and/or wellness attention professionals on how to pull off the attent ion receivers ‘ assorted demands ( Cameroon & A ; Gignac, 2008 ) . They may necessitate extra preparation, and they may necessitate extra emotional support to turn to frights and anxiousness associated with get downing to supply attention in the community.Emotional and demandsStroke subsisters need continued pattern and support in their activities of day-to-day life and would profit from the chance to prove their accomplishments in the place environment under the supervising of rehabilitation professionals and/or nurses ( Pallant, 2002 ) . These professionals could measure and supply feedback about their functioning ability with the purpose of heightening shot subsisters ‘ accomplishments and assurance. Emotionally, stroke subsisters need support from societal workers and/or household and friends to pull off their climb anxiousness and uncertainness about their accomplishments and competency in the community ( Cameroon & A ; Gignac, 2008 ) . The types of resources includ e entree to community attention bureaus, ongoing rehabilitation, and support groups.Behavioural demandsThe first and first precedence in station shot rehabilitation is to command the modifiable hazard factors in shot subsisters. Several modifiable hazard factors that contribute to development and patterned advance of shot include high blood pressure, coffin nail smoke, diabetes mellitus, inordinate intoxicant ingestion, deficiency of physical activity, dietetic and hyper-cholesterolaemia ( Gariballa, 2004 ) . Multidisciplinary squad attack non merely helps in bar but besides to place the susceptible population at hazard. It is the primary wellness attention squad including clinical administration who leads the squad ( Pallant, 2002 ) . Surveies have shown that high blood pressure is the individual most attributable factor for shot. Smokers are at three fold hazard of shot when compared with non- tobacco users and 10 fold hazards when in combination with raised systolic blood force p er unit area ( Wolfe, Rudd & A ; Beech, 1996 ) . Diabetes histories for 10-20 % of all shots whereas epidemiological surveies have confounded that intoxicant ingestion has direct dose dependent consequence ( Lindley,2008 ) . Thus patients and care giver reding in bettering the life style related factors and regular monitoring of the patients during station shot rehabilitation is compulsory for long term benefits. However in order to do the life of the station shot subsisters and the attention givers more comfy appropriate policies and their execution should be the highest precedence of the authorities and the Department of Health. Policy analysis in post-stroke from National Stroke Strategy [ version 2008 ] ( Department of Health, 2008 ) From the information available, the national shot scheme tried to give informations, advice and support for clear and easy execution of intervention program. This policy provides chance for shot subsisters to take part and show their wellness demands. Besides, this persuades all institutional services of shot to fix pertinent information and wellness support into the system service to assist people entree information and attention easy. For case, if stroke subsisters need to alter service and intervention, health care squad should explicate factual information and reassign them to the right modes by happening an accurate therapy to back up them. Furthermore, if there is a voluntary organisation service to function nearby shot patients place, wellness professionals should rede them to promote joint activity in their society. Conclusively, this steering rule explores people ‘s demand and unfastened people to feed back information on shot service property. The kernel of affecting people in developing service and intervention programme lies in the policy shapers ‘ position to integrate shot subsisters and carers in determination devising for development of strategic program, concentrate direction, bringing and examination of appropriate service, to supply particular tools and assistive support in instance of badness. The strength of this shot policy is apparent from the relevant points and accent on the measure by measure sequencing of services sing of import concerns. Besides, guideline form has highlighted the cardinal words that refer to reading awareness including consistence of sketch picture which is easy to capture in perceptual context and comprehension. However, there are a few failings of enlightening system that can non explicate the inside informations of farther information if people need to read in-depth and can non demo the characteristic of voluntary organisation for connexion of services.Analyze how to function li fe after shot, appraisal and rehabilitationHaving completed basic shot intervention, the life after shot demands to be evaluated with an aim for supplying a good quality of life and design services for people who have had a shot and are supported to populate with independency with possible handiness of resources at their place and environment. The policy aims at shot subsisters and relatives demand of high-quality rehabilitation preparation and medical support in order to advance better movement/mobility in day-to- twenty-four hours life, self hygiene and cookery, equal communicative accomplishments, distress/depression direction job work outing ability and sexual behavioral apprehension. The outstanding Information can assist many readers and health care suppliers to recognize and understand the overview of shot patients. All health care professionals should follow this guideline on rehabilitation by concentrating on single patient demands and differing demands of some cultural groups depending on their civilization and belief in environmental society. In add-on, the program of scheme has underlined the end-of-life attention by sing terrible shot subsisters who seem non to acquire better and assist them fall in the right service programme with the right health professional such as particular attention and demands, pick of topographic point of decease and appraisal of the satisfaction of patient ‘s relations about the end-of-life attention. Therefore, the life after shot policy is to separate, to follow and picture the of import functions of health care squad but which can non see the booby traps of service procedure. If the action program can be manipulated, harmonizing to the patient demand from the infirmary to stroke ‘s place and community, the terminal consequence will decidedly be muc h better.Analyse the procedure of wellness service in long-run attention supportIn order to analyze the policy service system of shot, the shot scheme has to be formulated to ease easy-to-access services and to have attendant service from interdisciplinary squad for long-run demands of shot subsisters. Outstandingly, proviso of long-run attention is indispensable and has become a portion of wellness publicity because post-stroke pathology is different in each patient that needs to be rehabilitated in different mode intercession programmes. However, this policy of long-run attention support is hard to pull off a scope of different rehabilitations because the activity involves assorted dimensions and a combination of installations for different shot instances and therefore hard to run into the complex societal attention demands. Apart from this, the shot policy provides merely an overview of immediate direction and does non explicate how to put the long-run attention and support for shot subsisters. Although the long- term attention procedure can take to a better quality of life after shot, there are many factors that need to be planned, particularly related to the single shot status. The counsel should be planned and made elusive in footings of mild, moderate and terrible shot in long-run attention and support which is necessary for contemplation of different short and long term ends to be achieved in rehabilitation preparation. However, the policy services simply shows people ‘s demands appraisal and do non depict the effectual planning that meets single demands peculiarly related to long term attention and hence should be considered consequently to the degree of stroke status to place specific societal attention demands, including the intent of longer-term follow-up with rating in multispectral collaborative services.Discuss place alteration, return to work and community engagementTo better the quality of life in post-stroke environment, the shot policy shapers provide merely with a model for accommodating the place to be compatible with patient ‘s demands for him/her to be independent but do non give inside informations of commissariats for day-to-day life activities. The conceptual scheme has illustrated general demand of services for transit and lodging direction by chew overing over lodging demands related to version and alteration but does non analyze specific factors that may hold both positive and negative impact on the development of post-stroke accomplishments every bit good as tha t may blockade independency in functional ability at their places. However, there are no inside informations of place alterations that are compulsory in sample such as slope country, stairway, lavatory, bed room and kitchen.DecisionFrom the above it is clear that the load of disease due to stroke and the its impact during the recovery period deeply affects the life of the subsister. The high incidence and prevalence of disease make it necessary to implement appropriate steps to forestall first of all time and perennial shots. Furthermore a well planned rehabilitation of the shot subsisters is critical for improved forecast. Conclusively an appraisal of the wellness demands of this population group can be used to optimise wellness attention services and installations in the best involvement of the subsisters. This can besides be used by the policymakers in bettering the relevant commissariats in run intoing the wellness demands of the deprived. Word count: 3352

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Colleges that Accept the Common Application in 2017-18

Colleges that Accept the Common Application in 2017-18 For the 2018-19 admissions cycle, 805 colleges and universities accept the Common Application. The complete listing is below. Schools range from some of the most selective in the world to those with nearly open admissions. What most of the schools have in common is a holistic admissions policy, although as of 2014 The Common Application announced that holistic admissions would no longer be a prerequisite for membership. Still, most member schools  on this list consider the whole applicant, not just grades, test scores, and other numerical measures. Extracurricular activities, an essay, and letters of recommendation are important to the admissions process for the majority of colleges using the Common Application. Click on a schools name to get more information including SAT and ACT data, costs, average financial aid awards, and more. United States Schools that Accept the Common Application A Adelphi UniversityAgnes Scott CollegeAlaska Pacific UniversityAlbany College of Pharmacy and Health SciencesAlbertus Magnus  CollegeAlbion CollegeAlbright CollegeAlfred UniversityAllegheny CollegeAlma CollegeAlvernia UniversityAMDA College and Conservatory of the Performing ArtsAmerican Jewish UniversityThe American Musical and Dramatic AcademyAmerican UniversityAmherst CollegeAnderson University (IN)Anna Maria CollegeAntioch CollegeAppalachian State UniversityArcadia UniversityAshland UniversityAssumption CollegeAugsburg CollegeAugustana College (IL)Augustana College (SD)Austin CollegeAve Maria University B Babson CollegeBaldwin-Wallace CollegeBard CollegeBard College at Simons RockBarnard CollegeBarry UniversityBarton CollegeBates CollegeBay Path CollegeBaylor UniversityBecker CollegeBellarmine UniversityBelmont UniversityBeloit CollegeBenedictine  CollegeBenedictine UniversityBenedictine University (Arizona)Benedictine University (Illinois)Bennington CollegeBentley UniversityBerry CollegeBethany College (West Virginia)Binghamton University (SUNY)Birmingham-Southern CollegeBloomfield CollegeBluffton UniversityBoston CollegeBoston UniversityBowdoin CollegeBowling Green  State UniversityBradley UniversityBrandeis UniversityBrenau UniversityBridgewater State UniversityBrown UniversityBryant UniversityBryn Mawr CollegeBucknell UniversityButler University C Cabrini UniversityCairn UniversityCaldwell CollegeCalifornia College of the ArtsCalifornia Institute of Technology (Caltech)California Lutheran UniversityCalifornia University of PennsylvaniaCalvin CollegeCanisius CollegeCapital UniversityCapitol Technology UniversityCarleton CollegeCarnegie Mellon UniversityCarroll College (Montana)Carroll UniversityCarthage CollegeCase Western Reserve UniversityCastleton UniversityCatawba  CollegeCatholic University of AmericaCazenovia CollegeCedar Crest CollegeCentenary College of LouisianaCentenary University  (New Jersey)Central Connecticut State UniversityCentre CollegeChamplain CollegeChapman UniversityCharles  R. Drew University  of Medicine and ScienceChatham UniversityChicago State UniversityChristian Brothers UniversityChristopher Newport UniversityClaremont McKenna CollegeClark Atlanta UniversityClark UniversityClarkson UniversityCleveland State UniversityCoe CollegeColby CollegeColby-Sawyer CollegeColgate UniversityCollege of the AtlanticCollege of the Holy CrossCollege of IdahoCollege of Mount Saint VincentThe College of New JerseyCollege of New RochelleCollege of St. Benedict/St. Johns UniversityCollege of Saint ElizabethCollege of St. JosephThe College of Saint RoseCollege of St. ScholasticaCollege of William MaryCollege of WoosterColorado CollegeColorado State UniversityColumbia College (Missouri)Columbia College (South Carolina)Columbia College ChicagoColumbia College HollywoodColumbia UniversityConcordia College (Moorhead) Concordia College (New York)Concordia University (Oregon)Concordia University ChicagoConcordia University IrvineConcordia University WisconsinConnecticut CollegeConverse CollegeCooper UnionCornell College (Iowa)Cornell UniversityCreighton UniversityCulinary Institute of America (CA)Culinary Institute of America (NY)Culinary Institute of America (TX)CUNY Queens CollegeCurry College D D Youville CollegeDaemen CollegeDartmouth CollegeDavidson CollegeDean CollegeDefiance CollegeDelaware Valley CollegeDenison UniversityDePaul UniversityDePauw UniversityDeSales UniversityDickinson CollegeDillard UniversityDominican CollegeDominican University of CaliforniaDrake UniversityDrew UniversityDrexel UniversityDrury UniversityDuke University E Earlham CollegeEast Carolina UniversityEastern Connecticut State UniversityEastern Kentucky UniversityEastern Mennonite UniversityEckerd CollegeEdgewood CollegeEdinboro University of Pennsylvania​Elizabethtown CollegeElmira CollegeElms CollegeEmerson CollegeEmmanuel College (Georgia)Emmanuel College (Massachusetts)Emory and Henry CollegeEmory UniversityEvergreen State College F Fairfield UniversityFairleigh Dickinson  UniversityFelician CollegeFisk UniversityFlagler CollegeFlashpoint Chicago, A Campus of Columbia College HollywoodFlorida Institute of TechnologyFlorida Polytechnic UniversityFlorida Southern CollegeFlorida State UniversityFordham UniversityFramingham State UniversityFranklin and Marshall CollegeFranklin CollegeFranklin Pierce UniversityFranklin W. Olin College  of EngineeringFurman University G Gannon UniversityGardner-Webb University​Geneseo (SUNY)George Fox UniversityGeorge Mason UniversityGeorge Washington UniversityGeorgia CollegeGeorgia Institute of TechnologyGeorgia State UniversityGeorgian Court UniversityGettysburg CollegeGoddard CollegeGonzaga UniversityGoshen CollegeGoucher CollegeGreen Mountain CollegeGrinnell CollegeGuilford CollegeGustavus Adolphus College H Hamilton CollegeHamline UniversityHampden-Sydney CollegeHampshire CollegeHanover CollegeHartwick CollegeHarvard UniversityHarvey Mudd CollegeHastings CollegeHaverford CollegeHawaii Pacific UniversityHellenic CollegeHendrix CollegeHigh Point UniversityHilbert CollegeHillsdale CollegeHiram CollegeHobart and William Smith CollegesHofstra UniversityHollins UniversityHoly Cross College  (IN)Holy Names UniversityHood CollegeHope CollegeHoughton CollegeHoward UniversityHusson University I Illinois CollegeIllinois Institute of TechnologyIllinois Wesleyan UniversityImmaculata UniversityIndiana University BloomingtonIndiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)Iona CollegeIthaca College J Jacksonville UniversityJefferson (Philadelphia University Thomas Jefferson University)Jefferson College of Health SciencesJohn Carroll UniversityJohns Hopkins UniversityJohnson Wales University - CharlotteJohnson Wales University - DenverJohnson Wales University - North MiamiJohnson Wales University - ProvidenceJuniata College K Kalamazoo CollegeKean UniversityKeene State CollegeKeiser UniversityKent State UniversityKenyon CollegeKettering UniversityKeuka CollegeKeystone CollegeKings CollegeKnox College L La Roche CollegeLa Salle UniversityLafayette CollegeLake Erie CollegeLake Forest CollegeLasell CollegeLawrence Technological UniversityLawrence UniversityLe Moyne CollegeLebanon Valley CollegeLehigh UniversityLesley CollegeLewis Clark CollegeLewis UniversityLindenwood UniversityLinfield CollegeLipscomb University​List College, The Jewish Theological SeminaryLong Island University Brooklyn CampusLong Island University-C.W. Post CampusLouisiana State UniversityLourdes UniversityLoyola Marymount UniversityLoyola University MarylandLoyola University New OrleansLuther CollegeLycoming CollegeLynn UniversityLyon College M Macalester CollegeMacMurray CollegeMaine College of ArtMaine Maritime AcademyMalone UniversityManchester UniversityManhattan CollegeManhattanville CollegeMarietta CollegeMarist CollegeMarlboro CollegeMarquette UniversityMarshall UniversityMary Baldwin UniversityMaryland Institute College of ArtMarymount California UniversityMarymount Manhattan CollegeMarymount UniversityMaryville University of St. LouisMarywood UniversityMassachusetts College of Art and DesignMassachusetts College of Liberal ArtsMassachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health SciencesMcDaniel CollegeMcKendree UniversityMenlo CollegeMercer UniversityMercy CollegeMercyhurst UniversityMeredith CollegeMerrimack CollegeMiami University (Ohio)Michigan State UniversityMiddle Tennessee State UniversityMiddlebury CollegeMillersville UniversityMillikin UniversityMills CollegeMillsaps CollegeMilwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE)Minerva Schools at KGIMissouri  University of Science and TechnologyMitchell CollegeMolloy CollegeMon mouth CollegeMonmouth UniversityMontserrat College of ArtMoore College of Art and DesignMoravian CollegeMorehouse CollegeMount Holyoke CollegeMount Saint Mary CollegeMount Saint Marys University, Los AngelesMuhlenberg CollegeMuskingum University N Naropa UniversityNazareth CollegeNebraska Wesleyan  UniversityNeumann UniversityNew College of FloridaNew England CollegeNew England  Institute of TechnologyNew Jersey City UniversityNew Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)New SchoolNew York Institute of Technology (NYIT)New York School of Career Applied Studies of Touro College and University SystemNew York UniversityNewberry CollegeNewbury CollegeNiagara UniversityNichols CollegeNorth Carolina State UniversityNorth Park UniversityNortheastern UniversityNorthern Vermont University JohnsonNorthland CollegeNorthwest Christian UniversityNorthwest Nazarene UniversityNorthwestern UniversityNorthwood UniversityNorwich UniversityNotre Dame de Namur UniversityNotre Dame  of Maryland UniversityNova Southeastern University O Oberlin CollegeOberlin Conservatory of MusicOccidental CollegeOglethorpe UniversityOhio Northern UniversityThe Ohio State UniversityOhio UniversityOhio Wesleyan UniversityOklahoma City UniversityOld Dominion UniversityOlivet CollegeOregon State University​Otis College of Art and DesignOtterbein University P Pace UniversityPacific Lutheran UniversityPacific UniversityPaul Smiths CollegePenn StatePennsylvania Academy of the Fine ArtsPepperdine UniversityPiedmont CollegePine Manor CollegePitzer CollegePlymouth State UniversityPoint Loma Nazarene UniversityPomona CollegePresbyterian CollegePrescott CollegePrinceton UniversityPrincipia CollegeProvidence CollegePurchase College (SUNY)Purdue University  Purdue University Fort Wayne Q Queens University of CharlotteQuincy UniversityQuinnipiac University R Radford UniversityRamapo College of New JerseyRandolph CollegeRandolph-Macon CollegeReed CollegeRegis College (Massachusetts)Regis University (Colorado)Rensselaer Polytechnic InstituteRhode Island CollegeRhode Island School of DesignRhodes CollegeRice UniversityRider UniversityRingling College of Art and DesignRipon CollegeRivier UniversityRoanoke CollegeRobert Morris University (PA)Roberts Wesleyan CollegeRochester Institute of TechnologyRoger Williams UniversityRollins CollegeRose-Hulman Institute of TechnologyRosemont CollegeRowan UniversityRussell Sage College S Sacred Heart UniversitySage College of AlbanySt. Ambrose UniversitySt. Andrews UniversitySaint Anselm CollegeSt. Bonaventure University  St. Catherine University  St. Edwards University  Saint Francis UniversitySt. John Fisher College  St. Johns College Annapolis  St. Johns College Santa Fe  St. Johns University  Saint Johns University (MN)St. Josephs College - Brooklyn Campus  St. Josephs College - Long Island Campus  Saint Josephs College of MaineSaint Josephs UniversitySt. Lawrence University  Saint Leo UniversitySt. Louis College of Pharmacy  Saint Louis UniversitySaint Martins UniversitySaint Mary-of-the-Woods College  Saint Marys College of CaliforniaSaint Marys College of IndianaSt. Marys College of MarylandSaint Marys University of MinnesotaSaint Michaels CollegeSt. Norbert College  St. Olaf College  Saint Peters CollegeSt. Thomas Aquinas College  St. Thomas University  Saint Vincent CollegeSaint Xavier UniversitySalem College (North Carolina)S alisbury UniversitySalve Regina UniversitySamford UniversitySanta Clara UniversitySarah Lawrence CollegeSavannah College of Art and DesignSchool of the Art Institute of ChicagoScripps CollegeSeattle Pacific UniversitySeattle UniversitySeton Hall UniversitySeton Hill UniversitySewanee: The University of the SouthSiena CollegeSierra Nevada CollegeSimmons CollegeSimpson CollegeSkidmore CollegeSmith CollegeSoka University of AmericaSoutheast Missouri State UniversitySouthern California Institute of ArchitectureSouthern Connecticut State UniversitySouthern Methodist UniversitySouthern New Hampshire UniversitySouthwestern UniversitySpelman CollegeSpring Arbor UniversitySpring Hill CollegeSpringfield CollegeStanford UniversityStephens College Sterling CollegeStetson UniversityStevens Institute of TechnologyStevenson UniversityStockton UniversityStonehill CollegeStony Brook UniversitySuffolk UniversitySUNY AlbanySUNY Alfred State CollegeSUNY BrockportSUNY BuffaloSUNY CobleskillSUNY College at Old WestburySUNY College of Environmental Science and ForestrySUNY College of Technology at CantonSUNY CortlandSUNY DelhiSUNY Farmingdale State CollegeSUNY FredoniaSUNY Institute of TechnologySUNY Maritime CollegeSUNY Morrisville State CollegeSUNY New PaltzSUNY OneontaSUNY OswegoSUNY PlattsburghSUNY PolytechnicSUNY PotsdamSUNY PurchaseSUNY Stony Brook University​Susquehanna UniversitySwarthmore CollegeSweet Briar CollegeSyracuse University T Temple UniversityTexas Christian University (TCU)Texas Lutheran UniversityThiel CollegeThomas CollegeTiffin UniversityTransylvania UniversityTrine UniversityTrinity Christian CollegeTrinity College (Connecticut)Trinity University (Texas)Trinity Washington University​Truman State UniversityTufts UniversityTulane University U Union College (New York)Unity CollegeUniversidad del Este (UNE)Universidad del Sagrado CorazonUniversity of AkronUniversity of Alabama  - BirminghamUniversity of ArizonaUniversity of BridgeportUniversity of Central FloridaUniversity of ChicagoUniversity of CincinnatiUniversity of Cincinnati - Blue Ash CollegeUniversity of Cincinnati - Clermont CollegeUniversity of Colorado at BoulderUniversity of ConnecticutUniversity of DallasUniversity of DaytonUniversity of DelawareUniversity of DenverUniversity of Detroit MercyUniversity of DubuqueUniversity of EvansvilleUniversity of FindlayUniversity of HartfordUniversity of HoustonUniversity of IdahoUniversity of Illinois at ChicagoUniversity of IndianapolisUniversity of IowaUniversity of KentuckyUniversity of La VerneU​niversity of LynchburgUniversity of MaineUniversity of Maine at AugustaUniversity of Maine at FarmingtonUniversity of Maine at Fort KentUniversity of Maine at MachiasUniversity of Maine at Presque IsleUniversity of Mar y WashingtonUniversity of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC)University of Massachusetts AmherstUniversity of Massachusetts BostonUniversity of Massachusetts DartmouthUniversity of Massachusetts LowellUniversity of MiamiUniversity of MichiganUniversity of Michigan - FlintUniversity of Minnesota - DuluthUniversity of Minnesota - MorrisUniversity of Minnesota - RochesterUniversity of Minnesota - Twin CitiesUniversity of Mississippi (Ole Miss)​University of MissouriUniversity of Missouri - Kansas CityUniversity of Missouri - St Louis​University of Nebraska - LincolnUniversity of Nevada - Las VegasUniversity of New EnglandUniversity of New HampshireUniversity of New HavenUniversity of North Carolina at AshevilleUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel HillUniversity of North Carolina at CharlotteUniversity of North Carolina GreensboroUniversity of North Carolina at WilmingtonUniversity of North FloridaUniversity of North TexasUniversity of Northern ColoradoUniversity of Norther n IowaUniversity of Notre DameUniversity of OklahomaUniversity of OregonUniversity of the PacificUniversity of PennsylvaniaUniversity of PittsburghUniversity of PortlandUniversity of ProvidenceUniversity of Puget SoundUniversity of RedlandsUniversity of Rhode IslandUniversity of RichmondUniversity of RochesterUniversity of St. FrancisUniversity of Saint Francis - Fort Wayne IndianaUniversity of Saint JosephUniversity of St. ThomasUniversity of San DiegoUniversity of San FranciscoUniversity of the Sciences in PhiladelphiaUniversity of ScrantonUniversity of South AlabamaUniversity of Southern CaliforniaUniversity of Southern MaineUniversity of Southern MississippiUniversity of TampaUniversity of Tennessee at KnoxvilleUniversity of ToledoUniversity of TulsaUniversity of VermontUniversity of VirginiaUniveristy of the WestUniversity of West Florida​University of Wisconsin - MadisonUniversity of Wisconsin - Stevens PointUniversity of WyomingUpper Iowa UniversityUrbana University - A Branch Campus of Franklin UniversityUrsinus CollegeUrsuline CollegeUtica College V Valparaiso UniversityVanderbilt UniversityVassar CollegeVermont  Technical CollegeVillanova UniversityVirginia Commonwealth University W Wabash CollegeWagner CollegeWake Forest UniversityWalsh UniversityWarner Pacific UniversityWarren Wilson CollegeWartburg CollegeWashington Jefferson CollegeWashington and Lee UniversityWashington College (Maryland)Washington University in St. LouisWatkins College of Art, Design FilmWayne State UniversityWebb InstituteWebster UniversityWellesley CollegeWells CollegeWentworth Institute of TechnologyWesleyan UniversityWest Chester University of PennsylvaniaWest Virginia UniversityWest Virginia Wesleyan CollegeWestern Connecticut State UniversityWestern Michigan UniversityWestern New England UniversityWestern State Colorado UniversityWestminster College (Missouri)Westminster College (Pennsylvania)Westminster College (Utah)Westmont CollegeWheaton College (IL)Wheaton College (Mass.)Wheeling Jesuit UniversityWhitman CollegeWhittier CollegeWhitworth UniversityWidener UniversityWilberforce UniversityWilkes Honors College of Florida Atlantic UniversityWilkes UniversityWillamette UniversityWi lliam Jewell CollegeWilliam Paterson University of NJWilliams CollegeWilson CollegeWittenberg UniversityWofford CollegeWoodbury UniversityWorcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI)Wright State University X Xavier UniversityXavier University of Louisiana Y Yale UniversityYork College of Pennsylvania Z Zaytuna College International Schools that Accept the Common Application American University in BulgariaAmerican University of Beirut (AUB)The American University of ParisThe American University of RomeBard College BerlinBath Spa UniversityBishops UniversityBournemouth UniversityBrunel University LondonCarnegie Mellon University in QatarDoshisha University, The Institute for the Liberal ArtsDuke Kunshan UniversityDurham UniversityEcole hà ´telià ¨re de Lausanne (EHL)ESCP Europe Business SchoolFranklin University SwitzerlandHult International Business SchoolIE UniversityIE University - MadridJacobs University BremenJohn Cabot University in RomeKeele UniversityMary Immaculate CollegeMaynooth University (Ireland)Monash UniversityNewcastle UniversityNorthwestern University in QatarQueens University, CanadaQuest University CanadaRegents University LondonRichmond The American International University in LondonRiga Business SchoolRobert Gordon UniversitySaint Louis University - Madrid CampusSt. Marys University Twickendam, LondonSaint Thomas University, Canada Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), KoreaTemple University, Japan CampusUnderwood International College, Yonsei University (South Korea)Universidad Carlos III de MadridUniversity College DublinUniversity of Aberdeen (UK)University of Bristol (UK)University of DerbyUniversity of East AngliaUniversity of East LondonUniversity of GlasgowUniversity of GuelphUniversity of Hong KongUniversity of HuddersfieldUniversity of LimerickUniversity of Michigan - Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint  InstituteUniversity of PlymouthUniversity of SheffieldUniversity of St. AndrewsUniversity of StirlingUniversity of WarwickUniversity of West LondonUniversity of WorcesterYale NUS College

Monday, October 21, 2019

Developmental Psychology Final Review Essays

Developmental Psychology Final Review Essays Developmental Psychology Final Review Paper Developmental Psychology Final Review Paper Psychology Final ReviewBehavioral Modification- a formal technique for promoting the frequency of desirable behaviors and decreasing the incidence of unwanted ones (good behavior is reinforced)   Ã‚  Classical Conditioning- a type of learning in which an organism responds in a particular way to a neutral stimulus that normally does not bring about a response (dog responds to bell thinks of food)   Operant Conditioning- a form of learning in which a voluntary response is strengthened or weakened by its association with positive or negative responses (different from classical because is voluntary unlike classical when dog hears bells, he starts to salivate)   Cohort- a group of people born at around the same time in the same place      Correlational Research- research that seeks to identify whether an association or relationship between two factors exist Critical Period- a specific time during development when a particular event has its greatest conseq uences and the presence of certain kinds of environmental stimuli are necessary for development to proceed normally   Dependent Variable- the variable the researchers measure   Experimental Research- research designed to discover casual relationships between various factors (cause and effect)   Humanistic Approach- the theory contending that people have a natural capacity to make decisions about their lives and control their behavior (Rogers and Maslow, hierarchy of needs)   Independent Variable- thing being manipulated in experiment   Information Processing Approach- the model that seeks to identify the ways individuals take in, use and store information   Maturation- the predetermined unfolding of genetic information     Naturalistic Observation- naturally occurring behavior is observed without intervention in the situation   Ã‚  Psychoanalytical Theory- the theory proposed by Freud suggests that unconscious forces act to determine personality and behavior   Ps ychodynamic Perspective- the approach that states behavior is motivated by inner forces, memories and conflicts that are generally beyond people’s awareness and control (Freud and Erikson)   Sensitive Period- a point in development when organisms are particularly susceptible to certain kinds of stimuli in their environments, but the absence of those stimuli does not always produce irreversible consequences. Social-Cognitive Learning Theory- learning by observing the behavior of another person called a model   Dizygotic twins- twins who are produced when two separate ova are fertilized by two separate sperm at the same time (fraternal twins)   DNA- he substance that genes are composed of that determines the nature of every cell in the body and how each will function     Embryonic Stage the period from 2 to 8 weeks   Fetal Stage- the stage 8 weeks- till birth Genotype- the underlying combination of genetic material present (but not outwardly visible) in an organism      Germinal Stage- the first and shortest stage of prenatal period, first two weeks following conception Monozygotic twins- identical twins    Phenotype- an observable trait, trait that is actually seen   Zygote- the new cell formed by the process of fertilization   APGAR scale-   A- appearance   P- pulse G- grimace   A- activity R- respiration    Post-mature Infants- Infants still unborn 2 weeks after the mother’s due date     Reflexes- unlearned , organized, involuntary responses that occur automatically in the presence of certain stimuli     Cerebral Cortex- the upper layer of the brain   Myelin- a fatty substance that helps insulate neurons and speeds up the transmission of nerve impulses   Neuron- the basic nerve cell of the nervous system   Plasticity- the degree to which a developing structure or behavior is modifiable due to experience   Principle of the independence systems- the principle that different body systems grow at differe nt rates   SID’s- the unexplained death of a seemingly healthy baby     Synapse Synaptic Pruning- the elimination of neurons as the result of nonuse or lack of stimulation   Accommodation- changes in existing ways of thinking that occur in response to encounters with new stimuli or events   Assimilation- the process in which people understand an experience in terms of their current stage of cognitive development and way of thinking   Babbling- making speech-like but meaningless sounds   Ã‚  Information Processing Approaches- the model that seeks to identify the way individuals take in, use and store information     Object Permanence- the realization that people and objects exist even when they cannot be seen     Overextension- the overly broad use of words (all cars are trucks)   Scheme- an organized pattern of sensorimotor functioning   Sensorimotor Stage (of cognitive development) Piagets initial stage of cognitive development has 6 substages    Ainsworth Strange Situation- a sequence of staged episodes that illustrate the strength of attachment between a child and mother   Ambilivalant Attachment- a style of attachment in which children display a combination o f positive and negative reactions to their mothers, they show great distress when mother      leaves, but upon her return they may imultaneously seek close contact but also hit and kick her   Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt- (aged 18 months to 3 years) develop independence and autonomy if they allowed the freedom to explore or shame and self-doubt if they are restricted or overprotected Avoidant Attachment Theory- a style of attachment in which children do not seek proximity to the mother     Empathy- an emotional response corresponds to the feelings of another person   Psychological Development (Erikson theory)- the theory that considers how individuals come to understand themselves and the meaning of others and their own behavior   Personality- the su m total of the enduring characteristics that differinate one individual from another    Social Referencing- the intentional search for information about others’ feelings to help explain the meaning of uncertain circumstances and events    Stranger Anxiety- the caution and wariness displayed by infants when encountering an unfamiliar person   Trust vs Mistrust Stage- the period where infants develop a sense of trust or mistrust, largely depending on how well their needs are met by their caregivers   Goodness-of-Fit- the notion that development is dependent on the degree of match between children’s temperament and the nature demands of the environment in which they are raised (high-activity high irritability children need direction) Handedness- the preference of using one hand over the other (will see by 7 months)   Lateralization- the process in which certain cognitive functions are located more in one hemisphere of the brain than in the other   Obesity- bod y weight more than 20% higher than the average weight for a person of a given age or height   Autobiographical Memory- memory of particular events form one’s own life (usually after age 3)   Centration- the processing of concentrating on one limited aspect of a stimulus and ignoring other aspects (dominate preschoolers learning)     Conservation- the knowledge that quantity is unrelated to the arrangement and physical appearance of objects   Egocentric Thought- thinking that does not take into account the viewpoints of others   Fast Mapping- instances in which new words are with their meaning after only brief encounter   (‘s understood as more than one)   Intuitive Thought- thinking that reflects preschoolers use of primitive reasoning and their avid acquisition of knowledge about the world     Operations-organized, formal, logical mental processes   Pragmatics- aspect of language that refers to communicating effectively and appropriately with othe rs   Preoperational Stage- (ages 2 to 7) in which childrens use of symbolic thinking grows, mental reasoning emerges. nd the use of concepts increases   Scaffolding- the support for learning and problem solving that encourages independence and growth     Syntax- the way in which an individual combines words and phrases to form sentences   Transformation- the process in which one state is changed into another   Zone of Proximal Development- according to Vygotsky, the level at which a child can almost, but not fully perform a task independently, but can do so with the assistance of someone more competent     Abstract Modeling- the process in which modeling paves the way for the development of more general rules and principles Androgynous- a state in which gender roles encompass characteristics thought typical of both sexes (female both sensitive and strong) Associative Play- 2 or more children interact with one another by borrowing or sharing toys, but do not do the sa me thing Cooperative Play- children genuinely interact with each other, taking turns   Parallel Play- play with similar toys in similar manner but do not interact   Cycle of Violence Hypothesis- the neglect and abuse children suffer predispose them to do the sameRace Dissonance- the phenomenon in which minority children indicate preferences for majority values or people   Resilience- the ability to overcome circumstances that place a child at high risk for psychological or physical damage   Aggression- intentional harm or injury to another person   Initiative vs Guilt Stage- (ages 3 to 6) experience conflict between independence of action and the sometimes negative results of that action   Speech Impairment- speech that deviates so much from the speech of others that it calls attention to itself, interferes with communication   Stuttering- substantial disruption in the rhythm and fluency of speech   Learning Disabilities- difficulties in the acquisition and use of li stening, speaking, reading, writing, reasoning or math   Acceleration- special   programs that allow gifted students to move ahead at their own pace, even if   this means skipping to higher grade levels. Concrete operational stage- the   period of cognitive development between 7 and 12 years of age, which is   characterized by the active, and appropriate, use of logic. Crystallizing intelligence- the   accumulation of information, skills, and strategies that people have learned   through experience and that they can apply in problem solving situations. Cultural assimilation model- the model that fostered the view of American society as the   proverbial melting pot. Decentering- the   ability to take multiple aspects of a situation into account. Enrichment- an approach   through which students are kept at grade level but are enrolled in special   programs and given individual activities to allow greater depth of study on a   given topic. Intelligence quotient (or IQ score)- a measure of intelligence that takes Into account a student’s mental and chronological age. Mental retardation (intellectual   disability)- a significantly subaverage level of intellectual   functioning that occurs with related limitations in 2 or more skill areas. Metalinguistic awareness- an understanding of one’s own use of language. Industry VS Inferiority stage- the period from age 6 to 12   characterized by a focus on efforts to attain competence in meeting the   challenges presented by parents, peers, school, and the other complexities of   the modern world. Status- the evaluation   of a role or person by other relevant members of a group or society. Encoding- initial recording of information Storage- information saved for further use Retrieval- recovery of stored information Autominazation- is degree to which an activity requires attention   Neuron-basic cells of the nervous system Dendrites- at one end, using a cluster of fibers can communicate Neurotransmitters- chemical messengers Synapses- neurotransmitters travel across these small gaps| neurotransmitter Communication with other neurons- Reflex that disappears after six months is startle self-awareness An 18 month old who stares in the mirror- Erikson argued that each of his 8 stages represent crisis CHROMOSOME The rod shaped parts of DNA that come in 23 pair Habituation Newborns shows interest in a toy for a short period of time the get bored Which one is manipulated and measured? Independent and dependent Which Erikson stage at 18 months- autonomy vs shame and doubt Stranger anxiety- around or after 6 months, peaks at 14 months, less anxiety with woman and/with children Social referencing- fairly sophisticated social ability using social cues like facial expression and the meaning of those social cues in the context of a specific situation Cephalocaudal principle- growth follows the pattern that begins with head and upper body and proceeds down Eyesight is not measured on APGAR scale Appearance Pulse Grimace Activity Respiration Brain damaged- cerebral cortex Automization- degree to which activity requires attention Critical period specific time during development when a particular event has it greatest consequences and the presence of certain kinds of environmental stimuli is need for development to proceed normally 0besity body weight more than 20% higher than the average weight for a person of a given age and heightConservation is the knowledge that quantity is unrelated to the arrangement and physical appearance of objectsEgocentric Thought has two forms lack of awareness that others see things from a different physical perspective (behavior acts as a trigger to others reactions and responses) failure to realize that others may hold thoughts, feelings and points of view that differ from theirsFast Mapping new words are associated with their meaning after only a brief encounter (this is a wog there are 2 ______ children know the rules about plurals) by age 6, the average child has a vocabulary of around 14,000 words vocabulary acquired at a rate of one new word every 2 hours, 24 hou rs a day  Pre-Operational Stage according to Piaget, the stage from approximately age 2 to 7 in which children’s use of symbolic thinking grows, mental reasoning emerges and the use of concepts increases Private Speech speech by children that is spoken and directed to themselves serves to try out ideas, acts as a sounding board facilitates childrens thinking and helps them control their behavior serves as an important social functionAbstract modeling the process in which modeling paves the way for the development of more general rules and principles. Authoritarian Parents parents who are controlling, punitive, rigid, and cold, and whose word is law. They value strict, unquestioning obedience from their children and do not tolerate expression of disagreementAuthoritative Parents parents who are firm, setting clear and consistent limits, but who try to reason with their children, giving explanations for why they should behave in a particular way. Collectivistic Orient ation a philosophy that promotes the notion of interdependence. Constructive Play play in which children manipulate objects to produce or build something. Cooperative Play play in which children genuinely interact with one another, taking turns, playing games, or devising contests. Cycle of Violence Hypothesis the theory that the abuses and neglect that children suffer predispose them to adults to abuse and neglect their own children. Empathy an emotional response that corresponds to the feelings of another person. Functional Play play that involves simple, repetitive activities typical of 3 year olds.. Initiative VS Guilt Stage according to Erikson, the period during which children aged 3-6 experience conflict between independence of action and the sometimes negative results of that action. | | | | Onlooker Play action in which children simply watch others at play, but do not actually participate themselves. Parallel Play children play with similar toys, in a similar manner, but do not interact with each other. Permissive Parents parents who provide lax and inconsistent feedback and require little of their children.. Psychosocial Development according to Erikson, development that encompasses changes both in the understanding individuals have of themselves as members of society and in their comprehension of the meaning of other’s behavior. Race Dissonance the phenomenon in which minority children indicate preferences for majority values or people Resilience the ability to overcome circumstances that place a child at high risk for psychological or physical damage. Self-Concept a person’s identity, or set of beliefs about what one is like as an individual. Uninvolved Parents parents who show almost no interest in their children and indifferent, rejecting behavior. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)- a learning disability marked by inattention, impulsiveness, a low tolerance for frustration, and generally a great deal of inappropriate activity. Learning Disabilities difficulties in the acquisition and use of listening, speaking, reading, writing, reasoning, or mathematical abilities. Stuttering substantial disruption in the rhythm and fluency of speech; the most common speech impairment. Concrete Operational Stage the period of cognitive development between 7 and 12 years of age, which is characterized by the active, and appropriate, use of logic. Cultural Assimilation Model the model that fostered the view of American society as the proverbial melting pot.. Mental Retardation (Intellectual Disability) a significantly subaverage level of intellectual functioning that occurs with related limitations in 2 or more skill areas. Bulimia – an eating disorder characterized by binges on large quantities of food followed by purges of food through vomiting or the use of laxatives. Secondary sex characteristics – the visible signs of sexual maturity that do not directly involve the sex organs. Secular trend – a pattern of change occurring over several generations   Formal operational period – the stage at which people develop the ability to think abstractly Metacognition – the knowledge that people have about their own thinking processes and their ability to monitor their cognition Identity-versus-identity-confusion-stage – the period which teenagers seek to determine what is unique and distinctive about themselves. Sex Cleavage – sex segregation in which boys interact primarily with boys and girls interact primarily with girls Coping – the effort to control, reduce, or learn to tolerate the threats that lead to stress Defensive Coping coping that involve unconscious strategies that distort or deny the nature of a situation Hardiness – a personal characteristic associated with a lower rate of stress related illness Psychosomatic disorders – medical problems caused by the interaction of psychological, emotional, and physical difficulties. Senescence- the natural physical decline brought about by aging Post formal thought – thinking that acknowledges that adult predicaments must sometimes be solved in relativistic terms Stereotype threat – obstacles to performance that come from awareness of stereotypes held by society about academic abilities Extrinsic motivation – the motivation that drives people to obtain tangible rewards such as money and prestige Intimacy-versus-isolation-stage – according to Erikson, a period of post adolescence into the early 30’s that focuses on developing relationships with others Intrinsic motivation – motivation that causes people to work for their own enjoyment not the rewards work may bring Marriage gradient – the tendency for men to marry women who are slightly younger, smaller, and lower in status and women to marry men that are slightly older, larger and higher in status Social clock the culturally determined psychological time piece pro viding a sense of whether we have reached the major benchmarks of life at the appropriate time in comparison to our peers Type A behavior pattern – behavior characterized by competitiveness, impatience, and a tendency toward frustration and hostility Crystallized intelligence – the accumulation of information skills, and strategies that people have learned through experience and that they can apply in problem solving situations Selective optimization – the process by which people concentrate on particular skill areas to compensate for losses in other areas Generativity versus stagnation – according to Erikson, the stage during middle age adulthood in which people consider their contributions to family and society Life events model – the approach to personality development that is based on the timing of a particular events in an adults life rather than age per se Midlife crisis – a stage of uncertainty and indecision brought about by the real ization that life is finite Sandwich generation – couples who in middle adulthood must fulfill the needs of both their children and their aging parents